Sunday, December 28, 2008

Here's a log set up, ready to be marked with chalk lines. We fell them in October and left them for a couple months with the boughs on to help dry out. There are five of them in all. Only one has been finished so far. Started the second today.

This is the interior of the outhouse. On the floor on the right is a sack of cedar sawdust. The outhouse doesn't use a pit, but a bucket. It seems cleaner and safer to me. The bucket can be changed and the contents allowed to compost. Amazingly, there's no odor.

The exterior of the outhouse. It was made from pallets and plywood.

The newer shed for storing the beams, posts and the wall infill timbers that we've been hewing all fall.

There are now three pallet wood sheds and in behind them you can see the top of the outhouse.

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